The Predictive Dialer stores all of your data within its own CRM and allows you to view previous calls.
This data can be easily searched for so you can see how many times a contact was called, who spoke to them and what was said.
On top of all that, you can also call the contacts that you searched for immediately.
This information can also be exported, showing each and every task ever completed for each contact, from when the contact was imported, to every transferred call, email sent, voicemail left and all of the notes created.
If you have multiple users on your account, they can assign contacts to each other.
These contacts show up in that user’s inbox and on the list view.
From there users are able to view all of the data that is stored in the CRM about that contact.
They are then able to view previous calls and call them right away if they need to. Each user is also able to export a report that shows every contact that they have ever contacted with every single detail, starting from their first contact to present.